Soulistic Beauty of the Week: Nitika Chopra

15 Jul

Soulistic Beauty of the Week (BOW):
Nitika Chopra

Nitika is the founder of Bella Life.  I started following her on Twitter and loved all her inspiration and positive messages that she was shining through cyberworld. Follow her on Twitter

1) What does beauty mean to you?
Beauty means anything that defines who a person is; unique traits and ways of being that make up that person. Beauty is allowing yourself to embrace each of those traits and being aware of others around you and constantly seeking ways to give to others and not just take for yourself.  There is an expansiveness about beauty, it is always changing and showing up in conversations in loads of different ways, and that in itself is beautiful!

2) What inspires you?
People who are committed to living their best life, and being their best selves even when they don’t know how it will happen or if it is even possible.  That is the most inspiring thing to me.  That unwavering commitment to living life to the fullest and never, ever, giving up.

3) What are you doing to make the world more beautiful? How do you do it?
The world is so large that I used to find myself feeling like I couldn’t possibly make a difference, however in recent years I have seen that is not true.  I created the international on-line magazine Bella Life to be of service to people throughout the world; showing them that life is gorgeous and immensely colorful if you allow yourself to believe it.  Bella Life is my way of making the world more beautiful by showing my readers everyday that small actions equal huge results, and you can have FUN doing it too!

4) Who do you think is a Soulistic Beauty? Why?
I think my mother is a true Soulistic Beauty.  She has more grace and beauty in her little pinkie than I ever thought was possible!  She is completely selfless and has taught me so many valuable life lessons.  To me she is the most beautiful woman in the world.

5) When do you feel most beautiful?
I feel most beautiful when I am connected to God.  I feel like the beauty that is most valuable to me is the beauty I feel in the depths of my soul.  The outer beauty is fun and all, but when my best self is ignited and I am going through life feeling strong, confident, and loved, I feel drop dead gorgeous.

6) Natural Tips to Beautify Oneself…?

Don’t wear too much makeup!!!  You will preserve your skin so much better that way, and I promise you will also learn to love yourself in your truest form.  Over the last few years I have learned I don’t always have to be dolled up! Now I feel younger, fresher, and more like my naturally beautiful self.

Nitika Chopra is the founder of on-line magazine Bella Life.  She is constantly promoting living a more colorful and joy-filed life everyday.  Even though her personal journey has included health challenges and a devastating divorce, she stays committed to her vision of empowerment. Her passion is guiding people who are going through tough times to realize that when things effect us, just don’t stop!!  She is always teaching others that life is as beautiful as you allow it to be, and that is evident in everything she does.

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